Few people realize it was President Franklin Roosevelt's press secretary, Stephen Early, who came up with the term "firesides" for the informal radio broadcasts President Roosevelt made during the Great Depression.
Mr. Early said the President liked to think of the millions of listeners as a few people seated around his fireside. He used the fireside chats throughout his presidency to address the fears and concerns of the American people during a dire economic period.
Some economists are comparing today’s crisis to the Great Depression. It’s more important now than ever for leaders to virtually bring their teams together to talk. There is comfort in numbers which is tough when we are supposed to be practicing social distancing. Virtual gatherings can be a welcomed excuse to think about something else.
Splice Machine gathered our team together last Friday so that our CEO could describe in detail plans to prepare for tough global times ahead. Do you know what the first action item of his plan was? “Over-Communicate”. Sage advice from a very experienced leader.
Friday was the first of future firesides that our CEO is hosting until things begin to turn the corner. We are using this time to gather as a team and to talk.
